When we talked about market research on a budget, we showed how Ryan Robinson got creative with market research, building his plane while he taxied down the runway. That sort of resourcefulness is something small businesses can relate to, and it shows that market research is not out of anyone’s league.
It’s the same with content marketing. Like market research, just the phrase “content marketing” can sound expensive. But, like market research, you can totally scale it to match your resources.
Radix, a small B2B copywriting company, shared one way they got creative with content marketing: they atomized.
verb at·om·ize \ˈa-tə- ˌmīz\
1: to treat as made up of many discrete units (Merriam-Webster definition)
To atomize content means to break it down– to create many related parts from an overall theme, message, or idea. It’s an unconventional word to reflect a simple idea. For Radix, atomization looked like the following:
1. They had an idea they wanted to share, so they wrote an article for their newsletter recipients.
2. They turned that article into a blog post (making it visible and sharable online).
3. They pulled a theme from the blog post, tweaked it, and turned it into a podcast (making it accessible for those just looking for a quick listen).
4. They took the overall theme of the blog post and turned it into…a board game! (making it a novelty)
5. They interviewed the creators of the board game for another unique podcast.
6. They verbalized the insights portrayed through the board game through a presentation.
And it goes on, all the way up to ten unique content pieces across their market’s favorite media channels– all from one in-depth article that they first posted in their newsletter. They got creative, and you can too. Check out the article for their details and insights: How to Atomize 1 Killer Piece of Content Into 10.
No company, no matter how big their budget, should bypass resourcefulness. This is an encouraging truth because, once again, it helps to level the playing field. You can start by asking yourself the following:
1. What am I an expert in? What are topics for which people come to me for advice?
2. Have I written a cohesive article on those topics? If not, how can I compose those thoughts, notes, etc. into an article?
3. What are the media channels that my buyers use to gain information, entertainment, or inspiration?
4. How can I atomize my article into smaller parts and transform them for those particular media channels?
By Keech Media | Written By Michael Finnern