The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing

Part Two: Beginning Construction
In part one of the Four Fundamentals series, we defined marketing as a limitless endeavor. We likened the pursuit of sustainable marketing to building a pioneer’s homestead. We outlined four essential elements that are central to constructing your homestead in the marketing landscape: selecting your land, forming your foundation, designing your framework, and positioning your roof. Then, we explored the first element: choosing your land—or, defining the “why,” and the specific goals, behind your marketing effort.
Once you’ve chosen your land, it’s time to start building. But before you start reaching out to consumers, it’s indispensible that you…
Establish your Foundation—Fundamental #2
No matter how impressive or creative your marketing, its value evaporates if it doesn’t draw people to a destination or action. In this digital age, the foundational destination is your website. It’s the central point of reference to which the vast majority of your outreach should lead. It’s the central hub through which consumers find out more about you, contact you, join your social community, explore your value, purchase your products, and more.
We’ll soon touch on various kinds of marketing outreach. But founding a marketing effort upon anything other than a robust website is like hosting a house-warming party in an un-built house. Your consumers need a home. Give them the perfect atmosphere for every need and every occasion.
Speaking of the perfect atmosphere—resist the temptation to build your website using a free or low cost do-it- yourself web template. Templates are quick and easy, but they fall short when it comes to long-term sustainability and maintenance, search engine appeal, load time, and other foundational elements that make a custom-built website a worthy investment.
As you move on to your framework, remember to refocus on your “why,” and build accordingly. Different businesses will have different frameworks. Beneath all the variety, however, is one uniting factor: every marketing homestead needs a foundation—a dependable, attractive, optimized website.
Your land is well chosen and your foundation sets your stage for quality outreach. In part three, we’ll talk about designing a framework that diversifies you and sets you up to connect with your market.
By Keech Media | Written By Michael Finnern