Many Woodbury-area business owners already know Laurie Levine. She has lived and worked in the Cottage Grove Woodbury area for years—first as an entrepreneur, then as a multimedia sales representative. Now, we’re excited to introduce Laurie as the newest member of our team at Keech Media.
As an account executive, Laurie’s mission will be to empower businesses with better marketing results. We’re excited to see how she uses her own experience as an entrepreneur and multimedia specialist to accomplish that mission.
Laurie sees her role as a chance to provide businesses with the marketing resources she wished she had when she was starting her business. “Honestly, when I opened Yo-Joe’s years ago…I literally created everything from the logo to the brand…everything,” she said. “And, boy, I could have used Nathan’s help during that time!”
Like many area business owners, Nathan knew Laurie from the Woodbury chamber, as well as from various networking circles and events. When Nathan found out that Laurie was ready to make a change, he was eager to explore possibilities. After talking, they found a fit.
Laurie brings a lot of understanding to the table when it comes to running a business, because she’s been a business owner. “It’s not just me saying ‘I know how you feel. It’s me saying, ‘I KNOW how you feel,” she said. “…that was my thing…so I’ve really been on both sides.”
To get in touch with Laurie, call 612-315- 9984 or send her an email at
By Keech Media | Written By Michael Finnern