The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing

Part One: Exploring the marketing landscape
Possibilities and purposes for marketing are virtually endless, and their exploration is a lifelong endeavor. With so much to explore, the marketing landscape can be intimidating.
Especially for smaller businesses, the marketing effort is a lot like a pioneer’s homestead. Unsettled landscape lies before you, and it’s often hard to know where to start. However, like a homestead’s foundation, framework, and rooftop, there are certain items and elements that are vital to life in the marketing landscape.
In this four-part series, we’ll share four critical steps involved with establishing a sustainable marketing homestead: selecting your land, forming your foundation, designing your framework, and positioning your roof.
Choose your land and stake your claim—Fundamental #1
Before you start building, you need to choose your plot of land. When it comes to staking a claim in the marketing landscape, we’re talking about the “why” behind your marketing efforts. The “how” comes once you’ve defined what you want from your marketing. We offer a complimentary online marketing analysis to help you assess where you are and where you want to go in the marketing landscape. As fuel for thought, consider questions like these:
What are your products or services? Why do consumers need or want them?
What is your story, and why do consumers want to connect with you?
Why do you want to connect with consumers? What is your objective? More customers? Loyal/repeat customers? More conversation surrounding your business? A greater online presence, or perhaps greater awareness in a certain
region? All of the above, or something else? Make your goals measurable.
What are your resources? Funds are important, but think beyond just dollars. Who do you know? What’s useful about your physical or online location? What else makes you unique? What are your strengths?
Once you know the goals behind your marketing, don’t be afraid to revise them as the need arises.
We know you’re excited to put wheels behind your motives and start reaching out. But before you start your outreach, your consumers need a place to land. In the next post, we’ll talk about the foundation
of your marketing.
By Keech Media | Written By Michael Finnern