The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing: Part 3

The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing Part Three: Defining and Designing After selecting your marketing land and establishing your foundation, it’s time to define and design your marketing framework—the media “pillars” that will support your outreach and attract consumers to your website. Design your Framework—Fundamental #3 Almost always, the marketing outreach that forms your framework…


The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing: Part 2

The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing Part Two: Beginning Construction In part one of the Four Fundamentals series, we defined marketing as a limitless endeavor. We likened the pursuit of sustainable marketing to building a pioneer’s homestead. We outlined four essential elements that are central to constructing your homestead in the marketing landscape: selecting your land, forming your foundation,…


The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing: Part 1

The Four Fundamentals of Sustainable Marketing Part One: Exploring the marketing landscape Possibilities and purposes for marketing are virtually endless, and their exploration is a lifelong endeavor. With so much to explore, the marketing landscape can be intimidating. Especially for smaller businesses, the marketing effort is a lot like a pioneer’s homestead. Unsettled landscape lies before you,…
